44 Parenting Questions for Couples

Engaged couples can benefit from discussing these 44 parenting questions to prepare for the journey of raising children. These questions cover various aspects of parenting, helping couples align their values and expectations before starting a family.

Preparing for parenthood is an exciting and important journey for engaged couples. Discussing your thoughts, expectations, and values about parenting can help ensure you're on the same page before starting a family. Here are 44 parenting questions for couples to explore together as you prepare for this new chapter.

  1. How many children do you want to have?
  2. What are your thoughts on adoption or foster care?
  3. How do you feel about staying home versus working while raising children?
  4. What parenting style do you think you will adopt?
  5. How do you envision sharing parenting responsibilities?
  6. What are your thoughts on discipline and setting boundaries?
  7. How do you feel about using technology and screen time for children?
  8. What values and morals do you want to instill in your children?
  9. How will you handle disagreements about parenting decisions?
  10. What role do you think religion or spirituality will play in raising your children?
  11. How important is extended family involvement in our children’s lives?
  12. What are your thoughts on homeschooling versus traditional schooling?
  13. How do you feel about extracurricular activities and sports for our children?
  14. What are your views on gender roles and expectations for our children?
  15. How do you plan to teach our children about money and financial responsibility?
  16. What are your thoughts on vaccinations for our children?
  17. How do you feel about sleep training and co-sleeping?
  18. What are your thoughts on dietary choices and nutrition for our children?
  19. How do you feel about children having chores and responsibilities at home?
  20. What is your approach to dealing with bullying or peer pressure?
  21. How do you plan to celebrate holidays and special occasions with our children?
  22. What are your views on public versus private schooling?
  23. How do you feel about our children having pets?
  24. What are your thoughts on early childhood education and daycare?
  25. How do you plan to handle social media and internet use for our children?
  26. What are your views on talking to children about difficult topics such as death or divorce?
  27. How do you plan to support our children’s emotional and mental health?
  28. What are your thoughts on our children having part-time jobs during high school?
  29. How will you handle differences in cultural or family traditions?
  30. What are your thoughts on our children’s independence and autonomy?
  31. How do you plan to handle sibling rivalry or conflicts between our children?
  32. What are your views on talking to our children about sex and relationships?
  33. How do you feel about our children participating in religious or spiritual activities?
  34. What are your thoughts on rewarding good behavior and achievements?
  35. How do you plan to handle potential special needs or learning disabilities?
  36. What are your views on traveling and vacations with our children?
  37. How do you feel about children having their own rooms versus sharing?
  38. What are your thoughts on parenting books, classes, and resources?
  39. How do you plan to balance work, personal time, and family time?
  40. What are your views on parenting roles if one of us becomes a stay-at-home parent?
  41. How do you plan to handle disagreements with extended family about parenting decisions?
  42. What are your thoughts on alternative education methods, such as Montessori or Waldorf?
  43. How do you feel about allowing our children to explore their interests and hobbies?
  44. What are your views on setting and maintaining family traditions?

Discussing these questions can help you align your expectations and values as you prepare for parenthood. By having these conversations now, you can build a strong foundation for your future family.

For more ways to build a strong foundation in your relationship and prepare for parenthood, consider taking our online premarital course. It covers essential topics like communication, conflict, intimacy, faith, God's plan for marriage, in-laws, finances, and more.

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