50 Future Planning Questions for Engaged Couples

Engaged couples benefit from discussing their future together. These 50 future planning questions for engaged couples will help you align your goals, dreams, and expectations, ensuring a strong and successful marriage.

Planning for the future together is an exciting part of being engaged, but it can also raise many important questions. By discussing your goals, dreams, and expectations now, you can set the foundation for a strong and lasting marriage. These 50 future planning questions for engaged couples are designed to help you align your vision and make sure you're on the same page as you prepare for life together.
1. Where do you see us living in the next five years?
2. What are your career goals, and how do you see them impacting our future together?
3. How do you feel about owning a home vs. renting long-term?
4. How many children, if any, would you like to have?
5. What type of schooling do you envision for our children (public, private, homeschool)?
6. What role will extended family play in our future?
7. How do you feel about moving for career opportunities or family needs?
8. What are your expectations for dividing household responsibilities?
9. How do you envision our daily routine once we are married?
10. How do you feel about having pets, and what types would you like?
11. What kind of vacations or travel experiences do you hope to have as a couple?
12. How do you see us balancing work and family life?
13. What are your thoughts on saving for retirement, and when would you like to retire?
14. How do you feel about saving for big purchases like a house or car?
15. How should we approach financial planning and budgeting as a couple?
16. What are your long-term financial goals?
17. How do you feel about giving to charity or supporting causes as a couple?
18. What are your expectations regarding our social life with friends and family?
19. How important is maintaining separate hobbies or activities to you in our future?
20. How do you feel about combining finances once we are married?
21. How do you see us making big financial decisions, like investments or loans?
22. What are your thoughts on the role of faith or spirituality in our future together?
23. How do you feel about pursuing further education or new career opportunities later in life?
24. What are your expectations for how we will handle disagreements or conflicts?
25. How do you feel about creating a living will or planning for end-of-life decisions?
26. What do you envision for our future health and wellness routines?
27. How should we approach health insurance and medical decisions as a couple?
28. What kind of lifestyle do you hope to have—fast-paced or more laid-back?
29. How do you feel about staying in touch with our respective friends from before marriage?
30. What are your thoughts on retirement plans—where do you see us living?
31. How important is it for you to continue developing your individual identity after marriage?
32. What are your views on saving for our children’s college or education expenses?
33. How do you feel about helping out family members financially if needed in the future?
34. What type of role do you see us playing in our community?
35. How do you envision celebrating holidays once we are married?
36. What traditions or values from your childhood would you like to continue in our family?
37. What kind of work-life balance do you think is important for us to strive for?
38. How do you feel about using technology to manage our household (smart home, online banking, etc.)?
39. What are your thoughts on handling debt or avoiding it altogether?
40. How do you envision supporting each other through tough times like job loss, illness, or other challenges?
41. What are your views on life insurance or long-term disability insurance?
42. How do you feel about balancing personal goals with family goals over time?
43. What role do you see extended family playing in helping raise our children?
44. How do you envision celebrating milestones like anniversaries or birthdays in our marriage?
45. What are your views on traveling for work and how it might affect our family life?
46. How important is it to you to continue building and maintaining a spiritual connection in our future?
47. How do you feel about staying close to our hometown vs. exploring new places to live?
48. What are your thoughts on planning for unexpected life events, like accidents or natural disasters?
49. How do you see us staying connected as a couple even when life gets busy?
50. How do you envision us building a strong foundation for our marriage over the years?
Planning for the future together requires open communication, trust, and shared goals. These questions can help you and your partner align your vision for the future and work together to create a marriage filled with love, purpose, and mutual understanding.
Ready to dive even deeper into your relationship? Our online premarital course covers essential topics like communication, intimacy, conflict resolution, finances, and more to help you build a strong foundation for your marriage. Learn more here.

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