60 Questions About Finances for Engaged Couples

Delve into these 60 questions about finances for engaged couples to ensure a strong and transparent financial partnership. Addressing these topics early will help build a solid foundation for your future together.

Financial discussions can be daunting, but they're essential for a strong and lasting relationship. By addressing financial topics early on, you and your partner can build a solid foundation for your future. Here are 60 questions to help you get started.

  1. What are your financial goals for the next five years?
  2. Do you prefer to save or spend money?
  3. How do you budget your monthly expenses?
  4. What are your views on debt?
  5. Do you have any current debts? If so, what are they?
  6. How do you handle unexpected expenses?
  7. What are your thoughts on having joint bank accounts?
  8. How do you track your spending?
  9. What is your credit score?
  10. How important is financial stability to you?
  11. What are your thoughts on financial planning?
  12. Do you have any savings goals?
  13. How do you plan for retirement?
  14. What are your views on investing?
  15. How do you feel about lending money to family or friends?
  16. Do you have any long-term financial plans?
  17. How do you prioritize spending?
  18. What are your thoughts on charitable giving?
  19. How do you handle financial disagreements?
  20. What are your views on having an emergency fund?
  21. How do you plan for major purchases?
  22. What are your thoughts on financial independence?
  23. How do you handle financial stress?
  24. Do you have any financial fears?
  25. What are your thoughts on financial transparency in a relationship?
  26. How do you plan to manage finances as a couple?
  27. What are your thoughts on prenuptial agreements?
  28. How do you plan to combine your financial resources?
  29. What are your views on financial education?
  30. How do you feel about taking financial risks?
  31. What are your thoughts on budgeting apps or tools?
  32. How do you plan for vacations or leisure spending?
  33. What are your views on credit cards?
  34. How do you approach financial negotiations?
  35. What are your thoughts on financial equality in a relationship?
  36. How do you handle financial setbacks?
  37. What are your views on saving for children's education?
  38. How do you prioritize financial goals?
  39. What are your thoughts on living within your means?
  40. How do you plan to handle household expenses?
  41. What are your views on financial independence from parents or family?
  42. How do you approach discussions about money with each other?
  43. What are your thoughts on financial goals for the future?
  44. How do you plan for financial growth?
  45. What are your views on spending money on hobbies or interests?
  46. How do you handle financial mistakes?
  47. What are your thoughts on financial security?
  48. How do you plan to balance saving and spending?
  49. What are your views on financial sacrifices?
  50. How do you handle financial windfalls, like bonuses or inheritance?
  51. What are your thoughts on financial planning for healthcare?
  52. How do you approach setting financial priorities?
  53. What are your views on sharing financial responsibilities?
  54. How do you plan to support each other’s financial goals?
  55. What are your thoughts on financial communication in a relationship?
  56. How do you handle financial pressures from external sources?
  57. What are your views on having financial flexibility?
  58. How do you plan to adjust your financial plans over time?
  59. What are your thoughts on financial mentoring or coaching?
  60. How do you handle financial disappointment?

Discussing finances is a critical step in building a strong partnership. For more guidance on this topic and other essential aspects of marriage, check out our online premarital course. It covers communication, conflict, intimacy, faith, God's plan for marriage, in-laws, finances, and more.

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